RRF offers a range of complementary reintegration services to returnees who have departed from the RRF Member States, whether voluntarily or non-voluntary. RRF services are complementary to basic reintegration assistance already available through the Frontex EU Reintegration Programme (EU RP), MS national programmes and support programmes funded by the Countries of Origin.
RRF procures reintegration assistance in Armenia focusing on:
- Professional equipment
- Household equipment
- Medical support
RRF procures reintegration assistance in Edo and Lagos States for vulnerable returnees (single parents with children, elderly people, pregnant women, and persons who have been subjected to serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence) in the following areas:
- Accommodation/shelter
- Psycho-social support and counselling (including family counselling/mediation)
- Legal support
Cameroon, Georgia, Ivory Coast and Senegal
In cooperation with the French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII), RRF implements innovative complementary reintegration services using a pilot methodology in Cameroon, Georgia, Ivory Coast and Senegal. The following pilot activities are currently under implementation:
- The Mentorship Programme covers 30 ‘mentors-mentees’ pairs in Georgia.
- The Environment Action aims to test the effectiveness of (economic) reintegration projects with locally relevant environmental practices and relevant local communities of practice on environmental adaptation practices in Ivory Coast, Senegal, Georgia.
- The Psychosocial Support Action tests the application of a psychosocial approach in reintegration counselling, including the referral procedure for further mental health support, for its effectiveness in identifying those returnees who could benefit from specialised mental health support in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, and Senegal, covering up to 10 returnees per country.
Moreover, OFII delivers training sessions such as digital marketing or accounting to returnees to enhance their capacity to run successful micro-business projects in Senegal, Cameroon and Ivory Coast.
Within the frame of the RRF grant ‘Sustainable Reintegration in Iraq (SR.I)’ implemented by the Finnish Immigration Service, specific reintegration services for returnees in Iraq are being offered:
- Customised post-arrival business training to a maximum of 120 Iraqi returnees from EU MS.
- Psychosocial support to a maximum of 75 Iraqi returnees through group support sessions and individual counselling sessions.