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Projects Overview

This infosheet summarises the list of RRF projects, completed and ongoing, and provides details on the type, duration and description of the projects. For further information about each of the projects, we invite you to explore the What We Do section and/or get in touch with the RRF team.

Ongoing Projects

This infosheet presents the ongoing RRF projects (last updated: September 2023). For further information about each of the projects, we invite you to explore the What We Do section and/or get in touch with the RRF team.

Local Ownership Armenia

RRF activities in Armenia build on the results achieved in the framework of the ERRIN project. Its main focus is to create a mechanism for offering reintegration services complementary to the assistance provided in the framework of Frontex Joint Reintegration Services as well as support capacity-building actions, such as training and studies. Read more about … Continued

RRF in Two Pages

Download this 2-pager to learn more about the Return and Reintegration Facility (RRF). In this document you will find more about 1) what we do, 2) key features, 3) where and how we work, 4) knowledge. The document is available in English and in Armenian. Download it below!