The fifth Talk2Connect podcast focuses on “Economic Reintegration for Returnees”. Join a conversation between Helena Debrouwere (Fedasil) and Shariful Islam (BRAC), hosted by Lisa Tallroth. It addressed the following topics:
- What are the challenges when it comes to economic reintegration of returnees?
- How can service providers and state agencices respectively assist in supporting economic reintegration?
- Please take us (the listeners) step by step through a successful case of economic reintegration. What are the pitfalls and how can they be avoided?
- Short-term and long-term – when to give which kind of support to achieve best possible outcome for the returnee?
- What actions on economic reintegration support can/should be taken at policy-making level, ie in the European Council (which recently agreed on a framework for a new Asylum and Migration Management Regulation)?