An increasing number of Member States (MS) are decentralising the use of the Reintegration Assistance Tool (RIAT), bringing its application closer to individual return counsellors. In response to this shift, the Return and Reintegration Facility (RRF) has adjusted its implementation support strategy to better align with national needs.
As announced during the EMN REG RIAT meeting on 12 December 2024, RRF will work closely with individual MS to define specific implementation objectives and develop targeted support strategies. In response to the growing trend of decentralising RIAT to individual return counsellors, RRF has created the “RIAT Implementation Toolbox” – a comprehensive resource containing training sessions, workshops, exchanges, and other capacity-building activities. This toolbox is designed to support MS in managing this decentralisation process effectively, ensuring that the necessary knowledge and tools are in place at all levels. These resources will be tailored to the agreed objectives of each MS, providing a structured and effective approach to implementation.
Sweden (in the capacity of the Swedish Migration Agency – SMA) was the first MS to engage with RRF in developing a national RIAT strategy. The country aims to decentralise RIAT usage across its network of open return centres, allowing return counsellors at different locations to apply the tool directly. As a first step, over 60 return counsellors were trained across three locations – Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö. The training sessions were delivered in a blended format, combining an online introductory course with face-to-face sessions, making it the first time such an approach was tested. The pilot was well received, with participants providing positive feedback on the effectiveness of the blended learning method.
A representative from SMA highlighted the benefits of this initiative, stating:
“In Sweden, we first started training our staff at one national liaison unit of the Swedish Migration Agency. All counsellors around the regions [used to] send their cases to [this] national unit where a case was then created in RIAT. This approach has proven not to be very effective, especially recognising the potential that RIAT could have [for our counsellors], we have decided then to start expanding direct RIAT access to our different return centres nationwide.”
As MS look to decentralise the use of RIAT, RRF will proactively engage with them to develop tailored implementation strategies. Building on the success of the first national RIAT strategy, RRF will continue supporting MS in structuring their decentralisation efforts and ensuring effective implementation at all levels.
For more insights on how RIAT empowers MS, watch the RIAT video: empower.