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Private Sector Engagement Bangladesh

The Private Sector Engagement (PSE) project has been conceived within the frame of the ERRIN Technical Working Group on Reintegration & Development. It aims to set up and test operational coordination mechanisms in Bangladesh to better match returnees with potential employers from the private sector or to other income-generating activities, including access to finance, and small- and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, it strives to creating a network of actors working in the field of reintegration of Bangladeshi National returning to Bangladesh.

One of the main objectives of PSE is to make the return sustainable by offering, through its network, targeted referrals, economic and financial services, trainings and mentorship possibilities by building synergies between the public and private sector.

The project closed in July 2023 and the digital platform can still be accessed.

  • ICMPD Silk Routes
  • Organisation of three platform meetings
  • Organisation and delivery of outreach activities in Dhaka and other regions