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Podcast #1

This first Talk2Connect podcast focuses on “The Decision-Making Process Towards Return: Supporting a Migrant’s Return Decision” and it features Ms Signe Sondergaard (Danish Refugee Council), Joris Kennis (Senior Expert) and Rojin Tutak (Swedish Migration Agency).

Webcast #3

During this live webcast, the topic of sustainable reintegration in Iraq was addressed with insights from expert on reintegration specifically in Iraq, testimonials from the ground and interview with relevant speakers.

Webcast #2

During this live webcast, the topic of “The return and reintegration of unaccompanied children – ensuring their best interest” was explored with 1) panel discussions with researchers and practitioners, 2) case study from SOS Children’s Villages Albania and 3) presentation of the overall European landscape of the subject matter.

CADRE Manual for Trainers

The project Capacity Development and Training for Return Counsellors (CADRE) aimed to create reader-friendly material that is relevant and applies to the work of return counsellors and that focuses on the operational aspects of the return process and return counselling. This manual forms part of a collection of training materials that also includes a manual … Continued

CADRE Manual for Trainees

The project Capacity Development and Training for Return Counsellors (CADRE) aimed to create reader-friendly material that is relevant and applies to the work of return counsellors and that focuses on the operational aspects of the return process and return counselling. This manual forms part of a collection of training materials that also includes a manual … Continued

Webcast #1

During this live webcast, the topic of return counselling was explored with 1) panel discussions with representatives from the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), the Swedish Migration Agency (SMA) and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), 2) case studies from Belgium and 3) presentation of the overall return and reintegration landscape.

Blueprint for Return Counsellors

The Blueprint for Return Counsellors aims to provide EU return counsellors and other relevant frontline practitioners with practical tools and guidance for working with vulnerable people, including victims of trafficking. The document is available in English, French, German, Arabic, Greek and Italian.

Operational Manual on Return Counselling

This manual has been designed to serve as a practical tool to support counsellors in their day-to-day work. It brings together experience of field workers who provide counselling for migrants on a daily basis, together with practical tips for organisations on how to facilitate counselling meetings.