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Reintegration Amplification (RAMP)

The OFII-implemented project strives to ensure individual reintegration service delivery through local implementing partners. It focuses on increasing the sustainability of return and reintegration through targeted referral and long-term monitoring. Based on the results of the OFII pilot project under ERRIN and the work of the Technical Working Group on Reintegration & Development, the OFII/RRF … Continued

Local Ownership Ghana

The project strives to improve the collaboration on all processes related to return and reintegration between the Government of Ghana and EU Member States. It aims at increasing the Ghanaian Administration’s ownership in coordination of reception of returnees, as well as the quality of reintegration services offered to returning migrants. During the first phase of … Continued

Local Ownership Armenia

The project ‘Local Ownership for Sustainable Reintegration in Armenia’ is implemented by ICMPD in cooperation with the Armenia Migration Service (AMS). This initiative aims to support the Armenian government in taking increasing ownership over all aspects of return and reintegration processes. One of the specific objectives is to provide counselling and supplementary reintegration services (including … Continued


Talk2Connect (T2C) is a digital platform that liaises return counsellors with post-arrival realities and individual return stories to enable information and knowledge flows between pre-departure and post-arrival actors. It was created under the European Return and Reintegration Network (ERRIN), implemented previously to the RRF. This grant has been awarded to the Swedish Migration Agency (SMA) … Continued